Fred & Rita

Fun English language teaching materials

Posted Phone

Ajax Loader Gif

Fred is late. As he hurries to college, he talks to Rita on the mobile phone in his right hand. In his left hand is a letter for posting.

Fred: (Into his phone) I’m just going to post a letter applying for that summer job. The deadline is tomorrow.
Fred approaches a post-box. At that moment the bus for college comes around the corner.
Fred: Listen, I’ve got to go. I need to run to catch my bus. I’m already late for college
Distracted by the bus, Fred posts what he thinks is the letter into the box. He then runs to catch his bus.
Later he meets Rita outside their classroom.
Rita: Don’t you need to post that?
Fred: What? Looks down at the letter and realises his mistake. Oh no! I’ve posted the phone instead!
Rita: You put the phone in the letter box?
Fred: I had it my hand. I’ll have to go back and try and get it after class.
Rita: I’ll go with you.
After the class Fred & Rita go to the post-box. They look at the collection times.
Fred: Oh no! We’ve just missed the collection! Now I’ll never get it back!
Rita: It may be still be in there. I’ll call your phone.
Rita dials Fred’s number. The phone rings - and rings. It is still ringing inside the box as the postman arrives.
Fred: That’s my phone in there.
The postman unlocks the postbox and retrieves the phone. He hands it to Fred.
Postman: Laughing There’s a call for you.

Grammar: Sequence
What happened to Fred's mobile phone? Put these events in the correct order (1, 2, 3)
a) Fred meets Rita
b) Rita notices the letter in Fred's hand
c) The phone rings in the box
d) The postman arrives to collect the mail
e) Fred is hurrying to college while talking on his phone
f) Fred returns to the post box with Rita
g) Fred catches the bus
h) The postman hands the phone to Fred
i) Fred posts the phone

1. You are the postman who retrieved the phone from the post-box. Write a report on what happened.
2. You are Rita. Write a text, email or postcard to a friend. Describe what happened to Fred's phone.

3. You are the postman who retrieved the phone from the post-box. Write a report on what happened.
4. You are Rita. Write a text, email or postcard to a friend. Describe what happened to Fred's phone.

Text: © 2012 Kieran McGovern